Congratulations on your baby! Whether you're pregnant, recently given birth or have a toddler, nourishing yourself is the kindest thing you can do for both of you.

Do you want to...

  • Discover how to curb the cravings?
  • Be full of energy?
  • Have the confidence to make healthy choices?

This 7-day mini course will help you get started with:

  1. Understanding what you're actually eating and how it's making you feel
  2. Learn about the food that gives you energy...
  3. ...and the food that drains you
  4. The one thing that is often mistaken for hunger
  5. How to make healthy choices using your eyes
  6. How to move sensibly, and why rest is even more important
  7. How to bring it all together.

If you're ready for more energy, more confidence, and more oomph, then sign up below!

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